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The King of Manufacture

Time:[4/11/2012]   Hits:8797

After the pursuers before the interception.

This gave the entire nation to bring the confidence and honor in China in the world the real situation.

In 2010, the world's manufacturing industry to usher in a new king.

Was the world's output of manufactured goods reached $ 10 trillion. Among them, China accounted for 19.8 percent of world manufacturing output, slightly higher than the 19.4 percent in the United States. Previously, manufacturing the world's first "throne" by the United States has maintained from 1895 to 2009.

China 114 years after the coronation, first of its reform and opening up 33 years of rapid economic development is an important sign.

But the king from the coronation of that day into a deep hardship.

In the past, the reason why in China rise, overtime work against the Chinese people are industrious and brave shaped core competencies - the cheap labor factor, the global unparalleled comparative advantages.

Encountered serious challenges with the foreign trade situation, the domestic demand start to lack the true basis of this comparative advantage increasingly bleak.

China's exports fell 0.5 percent in January 2012, this is the first negative growth since December 2009. This indicates that support international trade space "Made in China" is accelerating the narrowing.

First of all, the financial crisis of the Western powers forced the weak domestic economic growth, the lack of engine out of the economic crisis, trapped in huge employment pressure, began a strong return - re-industrialization.

The Boston Consulting Group report even predicted that there will be 15% for the North American market, U.S. companies, "return" from China to the United States.

Its first annual trade deficit in 31 years in Japan, the introduction of incentives to avoid the industrial "hollowing out" to bring economic and social problems.

Since joining the WTO, "Made in China" has become the number one target of the attack of the World Trade protectionism. China for 15 consecutive years, suffered most members of the anti-subsidy investigations, 35% of the global anti-dumping in 2009, 71 percent of the countervailing duty cases involving China.

At the same time, with the rise of emerging economies around the body to begin to undertake the transfer of force to complete the root of the problem of traditional Chinese manufacturing.

The data show that the just-concluded Boao Forum for Asia, the average wage of the manufacturing sector, for example, Vietnam is about 1000 yuan per month, India is about 600 yuan, while China's east coast has reached 2500-3000 yuan - if migrated to the Mainland, they encounter more and more severe eco-environmental pressures.

But these are not made in China the most ferocious enemy.

Director of Jin Bei of China Academy of Social Sciences, Institute of Industrial Economics has pointed out that "Made in China" is facing enormous pressure on resources and the environment and rising costs, the industry profit margin is significantly lower, even to manufacturing "or" de-industrialization "vicious cyclic tendencies.

For a long time, at the lowest end of the world industrial chain in China along with the tide of reform and opening up, relying on the traditional comparative advantage of the considerable progress, but also formed a great survival inertia, such as over-reliance on OEM + cheap mode of fascination to earn quick money, frequent industry vicious competition, the cottage has become a trend, it is difficult to complete the branding in the true sense of the inability to complete their own scientific and technological management innovation in the current economic structure adjustment and industrial upgrading the face of pressure, have moved to the bankruptcy of the edge.

The experts pointed out that in China on the critical production processes and core components of backward technology, low level of equipment. 15 iron and steel, nonferrous metals, petrochemical, power, coal, building materials industry, the technical level is generally lower than the international 5 to 10 years behind, and some 20 to 30 years behind.

In 2007, China's manufacturing labor productivity is only equivalent to 1/5 of the United States. This is mainly determined by the technical level. Copyright exports totaled $ 134 billion in 2010, China was only $ 7.69 billion.

More trouble, in order to cope with the Western financial crisis, after 2008, government investment has played a main force to revitalize the economy, 4 trillion financial investment and the amount of days credit toward multi-national key projects and medium-sized state-owned enterprises, coupled with the institutional changes in the lag public the right to intervene in micro-economic trends, rent-seeking behavior of power simmering, lead to the monopoly of rich colors, state-owned enterprises by leaps and bounds, while the environment for the development of private manufacturing did not effectively improve the bottleneck of capital, policy highlights, a large number of private bosses fled and loan sharks and other non-governmental financial chaos followed swept over the region.

Locally in the foreign trade situation, the overall domestic demand and poor background, the completion of the primitive accumulation of private capital in the case of the absence of a legitimate way out to start the first reverse flow - to the entity, reduced to speculation to seek short-term interests of speculation army. From real estate to the recent green onions can see the familiar figure.

In other words, the demands to upgrade their manufacturing in China, we have set for themselves a formidable system of natural moat.

Over time, international competition, saying that we will be before and after the attack defeated, but rather that by its own environment destroyed.

To achieve a breakthrough, it must as soon as possible to promote reform, in particular, is to abolish the state-owned enterprises everywhere super-national treatment in accordance with the requirements of the rule of law and market economy, to complete its market transformation, and on the macro-fiscal and financial policies for private enterprises to create more equitable loose environment for development.

Recently, the State Council decided to Wenzhou as the pilot of the private financial reform can be regarded as a positive signal.

On this basis, walking on two legs: First, respect the laws of the market, to accelerate the upgrading of the labor-intensive private enterprises, to enhance its position in the global industrial chain; the same time, the Government actively support the market transformation of large enterprises, continued to foster with independent knowledge strategic industrial property rights, and actively participate in international competition, mergers and acquisitions.

Even in the face of increasingly severe international competition, the advantage of Chinese manufacturing in the world is still quite prominent - is the world's manufacturing sector is high, the low-end industrial chain is relatively perfect, a small number of countries, and the solid strength of China's rapid development has brought strong backing.

The key is whether to break their own institutional barriers, to establish a position in the high-end manufacturing.

Otherwise it may be reduced to the establishment of the kingdom in the sand, it is difficult to put to the true baptism